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Min-ra was once inhabited by a series of different species (varied between aliens and animals), but all of this came to their end when a nuclear explosion in the biggest Nuclear Power Plant in Min-ra occurred. The explosion by itself was not lethal enough to poison all the inhabitants of the planet, but what came later. After the explosion, a huge variety of poisonous gases was released into the atmosphere wiping away all of the species that once subsisted in this planet. After this, some colonists arrived after losing their planet to a war against their enemy planet Ter-mi, which is located about 1 LY away from the location of the recently destroyed planet Ter-la. This race of people is called by the name of Terlians and as soon as they arrived to Min-ra they had to adapt and evolve to this because of the gas problems, which later on would help them a lot. After generations and generations of Terlians passed they finally got to adapt. The next step now was to begin growing the crops and to begin raising animals in the planet. Obviously, they could not wait for these to evolve too, so what they did was create air bubbles with everything needed to control the gases and be able to raise cattle and grow crops. They did this with no problem yet the circumstances they had to live in did not help at all because even though they had evolved to the conditions it still is a harsh place to live in because of all the gases and problems that had occurred. 

Biomes and Ecosystems

As mentioned before, the biomes in Min-ra have been horribly damaged by the gases that were released by the power plant’s explosion, which it is referred to as the “Huge Mistake.” Once, the biomes in Min-ra were reach and universe-wide was considered one of the best place in which you could plant crops, which is a reason for why people did not live in cities and commonly lived in the surroundings. The forest used to be really dense and around the hole planet you could barely find and deserts, yet they did not have extra water. All the resources they had, had to be used wisely because in Min-ra they have a saying which is “where you grow once, you can’t grow twice” meaning that once you have used a place to plant anything you will not be able to plant things in that spot again. Yet, recently the original inhabitants of Min-ra had found a way to circle around this, which basically was to dig just barely and the next cape or blanket of soil would be as fertile as the first one. Basically, you dug about 5 cm downwards and then once you plant anything it would even be able to grow in weeks or even days depending on the crop you are trying to grow. For example, during the best growing season corn could take like 20 days to grow which is good compared to the between 60-100 days in Earth. The biomes found there are Tundra, rainforest, Savannas, and Grasslands (all pretty good biomes).

Creatures and Plants

Min-ra is a very fertile planet, which in this case caused it to have a reputation for population regrowth place. This basically means that a huge amount of animals would be brought day to day from all around the galaxy to see if this animal’s population could be reestablished and brought back to their natal planets. The majority of the animals got to survive, but this is only the bright side because also a majority did not achieve it because of the huge amount of predators in the planet. These predators varied from having 5 rows of teeth, two noses to track animals better, venom that killed you within seconds, amazing camouflage, etc. Obviously, the herbivores that lived there from the beginning of Min-ra knew what it was like so they knew how to survive, but the other new animals arriving to regrow their population did not, so what would frequently happen is that the animals would be killed by these lethal predators. The plants also varied between “heterotrophs” and “autotrophs” I say this because obviously there are some good plants you can eat, but others are able to expel a gas that I’ll put you to deliberate about what you want at the moment. Then, you to go at it and once you are close enough they will open a trap hole and once you fall, you will be slowly digested (eaten alive). Others simply make you get close because of their beautiful appearance and then will get their teeth out and eat you.


In our religion, there are many gods unlike Christianity which has god. This is because at the beginning of times in Ter-la there were natural disasters occasionally. Our first leader, Rame believed that we should honor the natural disasters with gods to “stop” natural disasters from occurring occasionally. Believe or not it did work so since then in our religion it is an obligation to pray at least 3 times a day for the 4 major gods which are Vulcan (for the volcano eruptions), Tsunamo (for tsunamis), Quako (for earthquakes), and Torna (for Tornadoes). In other planets, they know our religion as Naturo since all of our gods are either based on a natural disaster. The religion was first created in the Terlians original planet, Ter-la, 7 thousand years ago and since then it has been passed completely orally from generation to generation. This is because every time someone tries to write about it, the congress makes the writer burn it because it is said that it is so important that the Terlians should be able to pass it from generation to generation just orally and that writing is not needed. Later, after the explosion of planet Ter-la, the religion was taken with Terlians to planet Min-ra and there, they adjusted the religion a little by adding one god. This god was called Evo (because of evolution) and it was called Evo representing evolution and then fact that they are only able to live in Min-ra because of evolution. Nowadays, the most important god overall is Evo and then come the rest of the gods.


In Min-ra the original inhabitants used to speak Ancient Greek, which by now is considered a dead language (a language no longer spoken in everyday life) and this is since all of the original inhabitants of Min-ra died and nobody else knew how to read, communicate, or write it. The original inhabitants had to “revive” Ancient Greek basically because by then nobody actually spoke the language and they had to actually research and investigate everything about it. Then, (after the death of the original inhabitants) with the Terlians arrival came the new language, which is called Terlish, which basically is a type of Ancient Arabic just that the right to left reading is not applied like in the normal Arabic. In the Terlians community language is something that has been spread throughout all the people and it is not something that only the reach people can afford. In the other hand, the original inhabitants kept the Ancient Greek only within the rich and the poor had to communicate with Latin, which by now everyone in the Universe and it basically is the most common language. The Terlish are pretty joined between all of the different levels of hierarchy are mixed together, while the other previous inhabitants kept all of the different levels completely separated even by zones. This means that meanwhile the Terlians are all mixed like rich live next to poor and vice versa, the Min-ranians separate everybody like the rich live in the Northern hemisphere of the planet and the poor live in the Southern Hemisphere.


Min-ra used to be one of the most advanced planet relating to technology and energy production. This is because it was thought that they were the first planet ever to be able to make nuclear energy 100% safe, but as you already know, it did not turn out as expected (the Huge Mistake) then after the Min-ranians were finally killed/exterminated the lack of use of all technological devices caused the devices to damage. Then, when the Terlians arrived the first thing they did after evolving/adapting to the gases in the atmosphere was to create this sort of air bubble that could create an “atmosphere” (place) perfect for both plants, animals, and Terlians to live in peace and harmony. All of this bubbles have radiation regulator, they have cameras that detect radiation, and obviously a gas/oxygen regulator. It does not only keep the gases radiation outside, but also it helps by keeping the temperature perfect as if it were harvesting season in the planet and obviously this speeds up the growth process of the plants and crops. The Terlians also have very sophisticated ways of communicating. This could include holograms and many other devices that can encrypt, decrypt, and even hack files (if needed). The Terlians also have managed to produce a long-lasting amount of energy and store some of it. This is because the air bubbles need power to run so if they have no power/energy they will turn off and within seconds they could lose their crops and the animals living in the air bubble might die too.


In Min-ra, the Min-ranians used to a democracy which turned out really well for them and they equal with everyone and never got into wars for simple random things, like which way of choosing a leader is better. Ter-la used to be under a dictatorship and every single person used to think it was amazing and that it was the best way to govern a planet, country, etc. This was until one dark day in which the war against Ter-mi began. The whole war began with the dictator of Ter-la having a discussion with the president of Ter-mi about which way for choosing a leader is better, and like that Dictator Arem declared war to Ter-mi later on causing the loss of their planet. Then, when the Terlians arrived to Min-ra they decided to change to a democracy with a congress because they thought it was better and so the problem with Dictator Arem would not repeat again. Now, the Terlians are under democracy and they have a president, a vice-president, and a secretary which all together with the help of the congress pass laws and take decisions for the whole planet. The president is called Darim, the vice-president is called Marn, and the secretary is called Sturr. The congress is formed by 535 people that all have had a touch or contact with politics and how to manage all of it. There is no congress men that has not been in contact or at least been part of the politics in the Congress of the Terlians. 

Economy and Trade

Min-ra’s economy used to be based completely on crop-growing and selling, but as you already know the “Huge Mistake” ruined all this by contaminating the air. The crops then died and basically for the land to be fertile again it had to go through a difficult and long process in which you create a solution that momentarily takes of all the gases. If this is done several times in an isolated region it will make the land 100% fertile again. Apart from this Min-ranians also sold and exported energy they got from their “100% safe” Nuclear Power Plants. This made the planet’s economy to become one of the best in the Universe. The country as you know was then taken by the Terlians, who have had rough times trying to find something profitable that could get them out of the economic crisis in Min-ra. Recently, the Terlians have found a way to get energy and this is selling the gases they remove from the atmosphere. It results, that the gases in the atmosphere are actually really good for giving energy, yet they can’t sell the gases for raised prices because of the high level of danger it has. The Terlians improved the economy in Min-ra, yet they still want to find a more trustworthy resource for the economy of the planet. Recently, they have also been mining to see if they are able to find anything any valuable metals or gems in the soil of Min-ra. They have found some gems, yet they haven’t found anything that could support the whole economy. Generalizing, the economy in Min-ra is supported by the exportations of energy and other, but it still needs more time and products to become 100% done and ready.

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